
Who is Gale Proulx?

Fair question. Officially I am a Data Scientist with an interest in Data Journalism searching for a way to make data analysis accessible to every business. I am passionate about helping out smaller communities who might not have access to the same tools that corporate companies do.

Unofficially, my interests vary widely. I love teaching, writing, storytelling, singing, playing video games, and hiking. The world is full of wonders and I want to see them all. I am truly the jack of all trades, master of none. This doesn’t mean I can’t achieve a high level of proficiency, it does mean I don’t both learning a topic in depth on my own unless it is needed. Hence my diverse skillset.

What do you do in data science?

I am the person who can look at a companies database and find the story behind the data. I help find answers to questions through the use of machine learning algorithms. What customers respond well to your business? What can be optimized in internal operations? Can you find anything significant in this dataset? These are the types of questions I help clients answer.

What is this website?

This website is my portfolio. This is where I post logs of what projects I’m currently working on or update my own information so the internet can see it.

I also included my Email, GitHub, LinkedIn, and Twitter account just in case someone wants to see my work or get in contact with me.

Who’s hosting this website?

GitHub pages! This whole website is hosted for free through GitHub pages. All my code is available here if you want to see the structure of the website. It is dynamically generated through Jekyll. I created all the HTML, SCSS, and JavaScript for this particular theme from scratch. Please feel free to email me if you would like more information on how to make a 100% free blogging website.

Who is Walter Proulx?

That’s my dead name! Some of my work might be under the name Walter, but I go by Gale now that I am openly a transgender woman. Please don’t use this name if you do contact me! If you don’t know about the trans community, I would highly recommend reading this article to understand more about our community.

Gale Proulx

Social Media