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Career Transition

Nearly a year after my last post, I have failed to consistently give project updates on the status of the Unintentional Calamity Project I have been working on for over five years now. While I do want to be more consistent with my updates, this inconsistent behavior is not unwarranted! From getting a new job to fighting with the U.S. healthcare system, I’ve been up to a lot. This isn’t even to mention the different projects that have popped up and continue to add on to my weekly routine. What have I been so busy with? I’m happy to share!

First Draft Update

Back at the end of April, 2020 I had set out to write the first draft of my book the Unintentional Calamity. Through the year I had made many leaps and bounds forward from world building to character design and plot outlining. All that preparation for three months led me to attempt to write a complete first draft by the end of December, 2020 hitting around 50,000 words. As the publishing date points out, 2020 is already gone and I still giving first draft updates. In other words, the first draft still isn’t done. Now that half a year has passed since any news was given for the status of this story, I would like to explain what the original plan was, what has changed within the six month time period, and where this project will go.

Restructuring Education

The shortfalls of the American education system has always been a huge source of frustration throughout my life. Ever since elementary school, I can remember having to deal with teachers who were under prepared or uncaring of the work they were doing. Considering the massive impact teachers have on the future of the nation, it has always bewildered me how much America is not invested in its education system. Additionally, it amazes me how much the education system itself is unwilling to change ancient ideology’s systemic issues that exist within its own the infrastructure. These seemingly harmless flaws in the American education system are collectively harming students, discouraging professionals from becoming teachers, and continue to support a system of oppression while benefiting the wealthy. Sooner or later, this system needs to change. In order to do this, I would like to explore what these systemic issues are, how it affects everyone, and how we might be able to solve these issues.

Project Preparation Ending

Roughly two months ago I set out to take the time and really think about the world of the Unintentional Calamity and define a plot that I could follow. With two weeks to go, I have almost accomplished every task I set for myself. Next week I will be polishing off ideas for the magic system. The week after, I will develop some of the artifacts to appear in the main plot of the story. After that I will officially begin writing the first draft (again). Before I take this deep dive into the fantasy world that I have built in my head for the past four years, I would like to reflect on the journey thus far.

State of Flow

Anyone would be hard pressed to find someone who has not experienced a day where they were insanely focused. We all know what it feels like to be so enveloped in our thinking that we just lose track of time. Whether it is reading a book for hours on end, playing a video game and not realizing the sun has set, or working on a personal project only to glance at the clock and notice that six hours have magically passed, we all have had these special moments. This special moment has many names, but for the sake of conversation let us define this long-term focus as a State of Flow. This special state is really important to understand as it can be used as a tool rather than a random event that occurs in everyday life.

Gale Proulx

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